While the model was being made up my assistant and I set the lighting
The Hasselblad camera mounted on a studio stand. This allows the camera to be moved both vertically and horizontally without moving the base. It is also a very stable platform because of the weight of the base
Ideally the model would lie on a table or couch with her head at one end and her hair hanging down freely, not having a suitable table I had to improvise. As you can see the make-up artist is supporting the block she was sitting on
This is the original shot straight out of the camera
Rotated through 90 degrees to create the desired look
A desaturated version - most of the skin colour has been removed
A mock-up version created by my assistant
An alternative version created by Irfan Yonac, my New York based retoucher
While the model was being made up my assistant and I set the lighting
- Tumblr
I wanted to create an image of a model with her hair flowing behind her. I could have used a wind machine but the effect would have been of hair blowing in a breeze.
The shots here will give you an idea of the steps involved in the process and the different versions of the final image. Please click the images to enlarge.
My team on this shoot comprised my photo assistant, a digital technician checking the images on the computer, and the make-up artist.
All three versions are available to own as fine art prints.